¡ATTENTION CATALOGERS: Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) Authority has a new web address!

Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda



LfO OC books 2020 2.4.20.jpg



LC Subject Headings in Spanish

If you have questions regarding the cataloging of FIL or other Spanish-language books, we invite you to contact our Cataloging Support Team:

Lisa K. Hauner
(541) 922-0138


We have compiled a file that contains original records for items without accessible bib records or incomplete records found on OCLC.

Click here to view and download available records


Libros for Oregon has gathered and created some guidelines to support you in your Spanish-language cataloging.

The following pages and documents are updated as more information is gathered.

Please feel free to download and share any documents.

Cataloging Help & Instructions Page (updated 01/2025)

Includes: Downloadable PDF and DOC cataloging instructions; LOC subject heading and genre Spanish thesauri authority links; Spanish cataloging notes and resources; library catalogs with strong Spanish collections to search; third-party cataloging vendors; free online translation tools; considerations for Spanish language cataloging records; and some example records.

General Spanish Book Template with Instructions  (PDF)
General Spanish Book Template with Instructions  (DOC)

Add your library's individual tags and subject headings for easy copy-cataloging.

Commonly Used Genres (updated 02/2024)

Includes Catálogo  BNE authorized Spanish Genre/Form Terms with English equivalents for quick 'copy & paste' bib entries. Download in PDF and DOC.

Spanish Subject and Genre Heading Training Videos

As a reminder, you may want to recall these items in the future for statistical tracking, displays, impact studies, etc.  Though we realize all library systems are different, please consider following your institution’s policies and procedures to notate in the item records that this copy came from FIL/Libros for Oregon to allow for future recall/discovery of these items within your system.