ATTENTION CATALOGERS: Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) Authority has a new web address:

Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda (

Libros for Oregon – Spanish Language Cataloging Guide

The instructions and examples provided by Libros for Oregon align with LOC/OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards for RDA. Your library may have additional local fields or language transcribing preferences to incorporate for added patron accessibility. 


Ø  WorldCat

Ø  Online Spanish/English Library of Congress Subject and Genre Authorized Thesauri

Attributes of the lcsh-es authority database. Think of lcsh-es as Wikipedia for Spanish thesauri. Because LOC has not assigned a source code to SFPL and CSIC, I try not to use those. Bidex authority records do not note usage for subfields, so I shy away from those, as well. All of the resources listed in lcsh-es have accessible authority records, but not all thesauri are recognized by LOC.

LC Subject Headings in Spanish = Encabezamientos de materia LC en español This is a good starting point – subject headings can be entered in both Spanish and English. There are six contributing sources with corresponding LOC subject headings (genres unavailable). Free.

Biblioteca Nacional de España   Headings can only be entered in Spanish, use the pull down menu to search by subject, genre, subheading, etc. Includes English equivalent in authority record. LOC authorized. Free.

Catálogo de Autoridades de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC   Provided by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas or The Spanish National Research Council. Free.

Bilindex 1984 Edition   Available through Open Library  Bilindex : a bilingual Spanish-English subject heading list : Spanish equivalents to Library of Congress subject headings = Bilindex : una lista bilingüe en español e inglés de encabezamientos de materia : equivalentes en español de los encabezamientos de la Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.   

Ø  Printed Heading Lists

Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries (ISBN 9781591586388) is an easy to use subject-heading dictionary in print.  Copies can be found online for under $50.  For these headings, use a second indicator 7 and a subfield ‡2 shsples. 

Development of a Spanish Subject Headings List – ALA papers 

Ø  Library catalogs with strong Spanish collections to search:

·         Eugene Public Library: FILGUAD Collection

·   Oregon Trail Library District: Libros for Oregon Collection

·   Multnomah County Library:

·         Los Angeles Public Library:

·         King County Library System:

·         Oakland Public Library:

·         National Library of Spain:

·         Queens Library:

·         San Francisco Public Library:


Ø  Other possible resources:

·         Publisher’s website

·         Amazon ( and Amazon Mexico ( using ISBN search

·         Goodreads ( using ISBN search

·         Internet Movie Database ( for movies

·         The Virtual International Authority File ( for foreign titles and contributors 


Ø  Third Party Cataloging Vendors:

·         Ingram:

·         Baker & Taylor:

See Libros for Oregon’s Booklists and Vendors  page for more.


Ø  Free Online Translation Tools:

·         Lexilogos online dictionaries & multilingual keyboard:

·         Google translate:

·         Keyboard Shortcuts: ALT codes for foreign language characters with accents:




Ø  OCLC Rules and Classes:

·         OCLC Best Practices - Section 2.6: Language of Cataloging

·         RDA Refresher Part 3: Cataloging Non-English Language Materials (CC) - YouTube overview class by David Shay and Katie Hoskins, Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

·         Cataloging Non-English Materials ALA/ALCTS presented by Joy DuBose and Preston Salisbury of the Mississippi State University cataloging department. Also covers non-Roman character and old material foreign language instructions.


Considerations for the Spanish material bib record

1.       Review 040 and 041 for the difference between cataloging language and resource language. The instructions in this guide are for (040 ‡beng) cataloging language records. See Sample Record 4 for an example of a(n) (040 ‡bspa) record.

a.       040 is needed for RDA standards and to identify the language of the recorded entries and where and why the quoted 500 notes will be necessary.  040 \\‡beng   vs.   040 \\‡bspa


040 ǂb Language of cataloging: Identifies the language for those portions of the record that, according to cataloging instructions, appear in the language of the cataloging agency (e.g., the physical description and non-quoted notes). The language is indicated by a three-character language code in subfield ǂb. See MARC Code List for Languages (

For more information on parallel language records, see 2.6 Language of Cataloging ‘Policy for Parallel Records.’ (


b.       041 is needed for translations.  041 1\ ‡aspa‡heng.  ‡a should match fixed field (Lang)


                            i.      Do not use field 041 if the item is not a translation, i. e., in its original language.

                         ii.      For bilingual records, the language of the first title on the title page is entered in the fixed field Lang. The 041 has a first indicator 0 because bilingual materials contain both languages in an equal capacity.  LOC says to treat both languages to a(n) $a, being sure the first language listed and the fixed field Lang match. This is covered more thoroughly in the Bilingual Materials section.


2.       Review transcribing vs recording: Recorded entries are NOT transcribed.

See section 2.6  Language of Cataloging

a.       Transcribing is easy.  Take what you see from a resource and format accordingly

                                                               i.      245

                                                             ii.      250

                                                           iii.      490

                                                           iv.      505

                                                             v.      520 (source in English)

b.       Recording is different. Take information from the resource, but formatting/verbiage is beholden to 040 $beng, meaning, if the information on the item is in Spanish, it must be recorded in English for these specific fields

                                                               i.      504

                                                             ii.      534

                                                           iii.      546

                                                           iv.      $e relators and $i relationships

c.       Normally, the 300 is transcribed. Spanish items are the only exception to the 300 transcribing rule in Sage. See 300 physical description for language exceptions in this field only.



130 (video) or 240 (book) added title entry is necessary for translations. It is an authorized entry (transcribed from the authority file or thesaurus) taken from LOC when possible. VIAF and IMDB can be used for foreign-language video titles.

                   240 10$aLoving him well.$lSpanish

245 10$aAmándolo bien :$bconsejos prácticos para influenciar a su esposo


130 0\$aSnow White and the seven dwarfs (Motion picture).$lSpanish.

245 10$aBlanca Nieves y los siete enanos

250 edition statement is transcribed in Spanish.

250 \\$aPrimera edición.

300 physical description is entered (neither transcribed nor recorded) in Spanish.

300 \\$a1 volumen (sin paginar) :$bilustraciones a color ;$c22 cm

Caution: This Spanish entry in the 300 [040 $beng] creates a hybrid record. Not ideal by LOC/OCLC standards, so discuss with your ILS admin/cataloging department for localized preferences and patron need. Many libraries are opting to enter this descriptive information in the patron-friendly Spanish.

Using a 500 note allows the cataloger to transcribe the information in Spanish provided by the material for inclusion in the record.  Spanish information from the book can be transcribed in a 500 note with quotations and sourced in English.

See OCLC's Online Cataloging Best Practices ( section 2.6  Language of Cataloging for more transcribing/recording 5XX instructions.

504, 534, and 546 are three of the 5XX that are recorded in the language of the cataloging record (040 $beng). Use a transcribed 500 note from the item for the Spanish reading patron, while entering the recorded information in English in the corresponding 5XX.

500 \\$a”Diálogo español o inglés; Subtítulos en inglés o español” -- case insert.

546 \\$aEnglish or Spanish dialog; subtitles in English or Spanish

500 \\$a“Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.” -- title page verso.

504 \\$aIncludes bibliographical references and index.

500 \\$a”Título anterior: Sacred influence” -- provided by cataloger.

534 \\$pPreviously published:$cGrand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, 2009,$tSacred influence.


505 contents are transcribed in Spanish for additional keyword search results. (If contents are listed in Spanish. If contents are listed in English, transcribe in English) See Sample record 1.

505 0\$aParte 1: La remodelación de su matrimonio empieza con usted -- Parte 2: Creando una atmósfera de cambio -- Parte 3: Confrontando las preocupaciones más comunes de ella. 

520 summary is transcribed in Spanish with quotations and sourced in English. (If the summary is in English, transcribe it in English. 520 is repeatable, so locate the Spanish summary in Goodreads, Amazon, or the publisher’s website, or machine translate for the Spanish summary entry) See Sample records 1, 2, and 3.

650 subject headings need Spanish language subject heading counterparts. Lcsh-es is a centralized collection of the authorized thesauri:

Using an online translator will allow you to search for terms in Spanish to be plugged into the various authorized thesauri if lcsh-es doesn’t return any results. Try translating ‘See also references’ from LOC or translate synonyms in a translator engine to find more or differing results.

LC Subject Headings in Spanish (

This is a good starting point – subject headings can be entered in both Spanish and English. The search results are labeled QP (qlsp), NE (embne), BX (bidex), CS, and SF, and are displayed with corresponding LOC subject headings.

o   Headings from Queens Borough Public Library will have a second indicator 7 and a subdivision $2qlsp

o   Subject headings from the National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España) will have a second indicator 7 and a subdivision $2embne

o   Bilindex headings will have a second indicator 7 and a subdivision $2bidex

o   Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain) can be used with a second indicator 4 or as a local heading.

o   San Francisco Public Library at this time does not have an authority file. Use with a second indicator 4 or as a local heading.

National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España) ( is one of the LOC authorized and freely accessible thesauri - many of its entries are listed in lcsh-es, so this also acts as a double-check system when you encounter an entry that doesn’t quite translate nicely. 

Headings can only be entered in Spanish. Use the pulldown menu to search by subject, genre, subdivision, etc. Includes the English equivalent in the authority record and the page can be translated to English to read the details, then re-translated back to Spanish to copy and paste the entry.   

o   Subject headings will have a second indicator 7 and a subdivision $2embne

It can be tempting to use ‘Spanish language materials’ in unauthorized forms. Here are some of the authorized entries and local entries for consideration:

o   Queen’s library has two authorized subject headings for Spanish materials:

650 \7$aMateriales en español.$2qlsp

650 \7$aMateriales en español, Bilingües.$2qlsp

o   Children’s subject headings have two readily available subject heading entries.

650 _1$aSpanish language materials.

650 _1$aSpanish language materials$xBilingual.

o   Local subject headings

  690 _4$aMateriales en español.

  690 _4$aSpanish language materials. (If not children’s material)

The most user-friendly thesaurus of 655 genre/form headings comes from the National Library of Spain (Catálogo de Autoridades) (

o   Headings can only be entered in Spanish. Use the pulldown menu to search by género/forma.

o   Genre/forms will have a second indicator 7 and a subdivision $2tgfbne

Copy and Paste English and Spanish Genres are available at

700 translator field. (041 1\$aspa$heng, 040 $beng)

700 1\$aFerrer-Dalmau, Augusto,$etranslator. (Because the 040 is English, subdivision $e is in English)

8XX series added entries are usually in English for Spanish translations. The 490 series statement (490 is transcribed) on the item may be in Spanish, but the 8XX field will be in the language of the LOC-authorized entry. If the series is authorized in Spanish, that is the entry.

                                490 1\$aLa Guerra de las Dos Rosas ;$v[3]

                                800 1\$aIggulden, Conn,$d1971-$tWars of the Roses.$lSpanish ;$v03.


                                490 1\$aPlaneta animal

830 \0$aAmazing animals (Creative Education, Inc. (Mankato, Minn.)).$lSpanish.


                                490 1\$aSerie Belascoarán ;$v[9]

                                800 1\$aTaibo, Paco Ignacio,$cII,$d1949-$tSerie Belascoarán Shayne ;$v09. 


Ø Bilingual materials

Bilingual books have a few notable differences (See sample record #3) Catalogers will use the = to allow both languages in the entry and to reflect that both languages are used equally in the book:

Whichever language is listed first in the 041 is how the record should be organized.

  •        If the title is in English first, then the 041 will have ‘eng’ listed as the first $a and the Lang fixed field will have ‘eng’

  •        If the title on the book is in Spanish first, the 041 will have ‘spa’ as the first $a and ‘spa’ in the Lang fixed field

If you see ‘mul’ in the fixed field Lang, it is not wrong. The cataloger did not want to show preference for either language. If you enter ‘mul’ in the 041 – you must enter the language of the first title in the second $a

041 0\$amul$aspa (Bilingual text with no predominant language and the first title is in Spanish)

Title (transcribed entry):

245 10$aTaking Flight with Captain Mama =$bDespegando con Capitán Mamá /$cby [por] Graciela Tiscareño-Sato ; illustrated by [ilustrado por] Linda Lens.

246 30$aDespegando con Capitán Mamá

[brackets] indicate the Spanish terms were not on the title page, but the cataloger felt they were important for this bilingual book. The 246 gives the $b title extra ‘oomph.’


Language entry (recorded entry):  

                546 \\$aParallel text in English and Spanish = Texto paralelo en inglés y español.

bilingual book with $aEnglish title =$bSpanish title in 245


Note entry (transcribed entry with source noted):

500 \\$a”Includes bilingual aviation glossary and educational resources = Incluye glosario de aviación bilingüe y recursos educativos” -- title page verso.

Contents (transcribed entry). Both entries are correct, the second one relies on a keyword search, while the first one will also be picked up in title searches:

505 00$tIntroduction =$tIntroducción -- $tAlphabet =$tAlfabeto -- $tCounting to 10 =$tContando hasta 10 -- $tDays of the week =$tDias de la semana -- $tMonths of the year =$tMeses del año -- $tWeather and seasons =$tClima y las estaciones -- $tColors =$tColores -- $tFood =$tComida -- $tZoo =$tZoológico -- $tBody =$tCuerpo -- $tClothing =$tRopa -- $tFamily =$tFamilia -- $gmusical accompaniment performance tracks.

505 0\$a1. Introduction / Introducciòn (1:14) -- 2. The alphabet / El alfabeto (2:06) -- 3. Counting to 10 / Contando hasta 10 (1:51) -- 4. Days of the week / Los dias de la semana (1:54) -- 5. Months of the year / Los meses del año (2:07) -- 6. Weather and seasons / El clima y las estaciones (2:03) -- 7. Colors / Los colores (1:51) -- 8. Food / La comida (2:07) -- 9. The zoo / El zoológico (2:46) -- 10. The body / El cuerpo (2:31) -- 11. Clothing / La ropa (3:20) -- 12. Family / La familia (2:14) -- 13-24. Musical accompaniment performances tracks. 

Constant Entries:

300 \\$a1 volumen (sin paginar) :$bilustraciones ;$c22 cm

300 \\$a[xx] páginas sin numerar :$bilustraciones a color ;$c22 cm

                principalmente ilustraciones en blanco y negro

principalmente ilustraciones en color

principalmente ilustraciones (algo de color)

500 \\$a”Título original: .” -- Publication information.

500 \\$a”Texto en español” -- provided by cataloger.

500 \\$a”Incluye referencias bibliográficas” -- provided by cataloger.

500 \\$a”Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas ) e índice” -- provided by cataloger.

500 \\$a”Incluye índice” -- provided by cataloger.

500 \\$a”Páginas a bordo" -- provided by cataloger.


Commonly Used Translations:

Pages = páginas

Edition = edición

Illustrations = ilustraciones

Sound = sonido



Do not mix and match subject headings and subdivisions. If you need the qlsp subdivision, use the qlsp subject heading, if you are using an embne subject heading, you must use the embne subdivision, etc.

$vFiction = $vNovela.$2qlsp   or   $vNovelas.$2embne

$vJuvenile fiction = $vNovela juvenil.$2qlsp   or   $vLibros infantiles.$2embne

$vJuvenile literature = $vLiteratura juvenil.$2qlsp

$vComic books, strips, etc. = $vMuñequitos, tiras cómicas, etc.$2qlsp   or   $vCómics.$2embne

$vPopular works = $vObras de divulgación.$2qlsp

$vJuvenile films = $vPelículas cinematográficas juveniles.$2qlsp

$vJuvenile drama = $vDrama juvenil.$2qlsp


Subdivisions are easy to authorize under qlsp ( Select the entry with the dash preceding it.

And embne ( Select ‘Subencabezamientos de materias’ from the dropdown.



Á   É   Í  Ñ  Ó  Ú  Ü  á  é   í  ñ  ó  ú  ü   ¡   ¿     ©   ℗

Sample Record 1 (item is a translation, requires 041) 

001    993538972

008    170713r20182006tnu b 000 0 spa d 

019    $a993420862

020    $a0829768440

020    $a9780829768442

035    $a(OCoLC)993538972$z(OCoLC)993420862

040    $aYDX$beng$erda$cYDX$dBTCTA$dSXP$dOCLCO$dBDX$dAZT$dJTH$dOCLCF$dORX

041 1  $aspa$heng

049     $aORXA

082 04$a248.844$223

092      $fSPANISH$a248.844 THOMAS 2018

100 1  $aThomas, Gary$q(Gary Lee),$eauthor.

240 10$aLoving him well.$lSpanish

245 10$aAmándolo bien :$bconsejos prácticos para influenciar a su esposo /$cGary Thomas ; [traducción, Eduardo Jibaja].

264  1$aNashville, Tennessee :$bEditorial Vida,$c2018.

300    $a267 páginas ;$c23 cm

336    $atext$btxt$2rdacontent

337    $aunmediated$bn$2rdamedia

338    $avolume$bnc$2rdacarrier

500    $a”Título anterior: Sacred influence” -- provided by cataloger.

500    $a”Título original: Loving Him well” -- provided by cataloger.

500    $a”Texto en español” -- provided by cataloger.

505 0 $aParte 1: La remodelación de su matrimonio empieza con usted -- Parte 2: Creando una atmósfera de cambio -- Parte 3: Confrontando las preocupaciones más comunes de ella.

534    $pPreviously published:$cGrand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, 2009,$tSacred influence.

534    $pOriginally published:$cGrand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, 2006,$tLoving Him well.

520    $aGary Thomas, autor galardonado con el Medallón de oro, aplica los conceptos de su bestseller Matrimonio sagrado y revela lo que un hombre necesita de su esposa para convertirse en el esposo que ella quiere. En este libro confiable y comprobado, escrito por Gary Thomas, ganador del Medallón de oro, muestra cómo las mujeres pueden inspirar a sus esposos, influir en ellos y ayudarlos a avanzar en una dirección positiva. Sustituir el plan de acción de la esposa por el plan de Dios conduce a una transformación matrimonial en la cual ambos se enfocan el uno en el otro, de la manera que Dios quiere. Gary se basa en conceptos de su best seller Matrimonio sagrado y presenta aplicaciones prácticas que las esposas pueden comenzar a usar hoy mismo, mostrando cómo estos métodos transforman los matrimonios. En estas páginas, las mujeres encontrarán también una nueva perspectiva que les ayudará a comprender a sus esposos: la visión de la relación matrimonial a través de los ojos de un hombre. Thomas brinda información valiosa a las esposas sobre la forma en que los hombres piensan, sienten y se les puede motivar.

546    $aText in Spanish.

650  0$aInfluence (Psychology)$xReligious aspects$xChristianity.

650  0$aHusbands$xPsychology.

650  0$aMarriage$xReligious aspects$xChristianity.

650  0$aWives$xReligious life.

650  7$aMaridos$vPsicología.$2bidex

650  7$aEsposas$xVida religiosa.$2bidex

650  7$aInfluencia (Psicología)$xAspectos religiosos$xCristianismo.$2qlsp

650  7$aMatrimonio$xAspectos religiosos$xCristianismo.$2qlsp

650  7$aMateriales en español.$2qlsp

690  4$aSpanish language edition$vNonfiction.   

700  1 $aJibaja, Eduardo,$etranslator.


Sample Record 2  (item is not a translation, no 041) 

001 1997066

003 SAGE

005 20180808182202.0

008 110901s2015\\\\mx\\\\\\\\\\\\000\1\spa\c

020 \\$a9786073136792

020 \\$a607313679X


042 \\$apcc 

043 \\$an-mx--- 

050 \4$aPQ7298.29.O44$bJ44 2011 

100 1\$aSolares, Ignacio,$d1945-$eauthor.

245 13$aEl jefe máximo /$cIgnacio Solares. 

250 \\$aPrimera edición. 

264 \1$aMéxico, D.F. :$bDebos!llo :$bPenguin Random House Grupo Editorial,$c2015. 

300 \\$a226 páginas ;$c19 cm 

336 \\$atext$btxt$2rdacontent 

337 \\$aunmediated$bn$2rdamedia 

338 \\$avolume$bnc$2rdacarrier 

500 \\$a”Una novela” -- cover.

500    $a”Texto en español” -- provided by cataloger.

520 \\$a”Hacia el final de su vida, completamente solo, Plutarco Elías Calles busca un consuelo, descubrir un trozo de Verdad que le permita morir en paz, aunque lo espere un espantoso purgatorio donde tenga que confrontarse con cada una de las personas a las que mandó matar: Francisco Serrano, el padre Agustín Pro, Álvaro Obregón... Cualquier horror es preferible a la Nada, la disolución total, en la que, por alguna extraña razón nunca había podido creer, y ahora, tras volverse asiduo asistente a sesiones espiritistas, ha vislumbrado otro mundo y es confrontado por los fantasmas de su pasado.” --  Back cover. 

520  \\$a“Towards the end of his life, completely alone, Plutarco Elías Calles seeks comfort, discovering a piece of truth that will allow him to die in peace, even if he is expected in the dreadful purgatory where he has to confront each of the people he commanded to kill: Francisco Serrano, Father Agustín Pro, Alvaro Obregón... Any horror is preferable to nothingness, total dissolution, in which, for some strange reason he had never been able to believe, and now, after becoming an assiduous assistant to spiritualist sessions, he has glimpsed another world and is confronted by the ghosts of his past." --  Machine translation of back cover edited by cataloger.

546 \\$aText in Spanish.

600 10$aCalles, Plutarco Elías,$d1877-1945$vFiction. 

650 \0$aPower (Social sciences)$vFiction.

650 \0$aSpiritualism$vFiction. 

650 \0$aSeances$vFiction. 

650 \0$aGhosts$vFiction.

650 \0$aSupernatural$vFiction. 

650 \7$aPoder (Ciencias sociales)$vNovela.$2qlsp 

650 \7$aEspiritismo$vNovela.$2qlsp 

650 \7$aFantasmas$vNovela.$2qlsp 

650 \7$aSobrenatural$vNovela.$2qlsp 

650  7$aMateriales en español.$2qlsp

651 \0$aMexico$xPolitics and government$y1910-1946$vFiction. 

651 \7$aMéxico$xPolítica y gobierno$y1910-1946$vNovela.$2qlsp 

655 \7$aGhost stories.$2gsafd

655 \7$aParanormal fiction.$2lcgft

655 \7$aHistorical fiction.$2lcgft

655 \7$aNovels.$2lcgft

655 \7$aNovelas.$2tgfbne
655 \7$aNovelas históricas.$2tgfbne 


Sample Record 3  (bilingual record with 041 0\ Not a translation, language is equivalent throughout)

008 20220201s2022\\\\caua\\\j\\\\\\000\1\eng\d

020 \\$a9780997309027$q(hardcover)

020 \\$a9780997309096$q(paperback)

020 \\$z9798985686203$q(eBook)

040 \\$aBRD$beng$erda$cBRD

041 0\$aeng$aspa

043 \\$an-us—

050 \4$aPZ73.T5733$bTak 2022

082 04$a[E]$223

100 1\$aTiscareño-Sato, Graciela,$eauthor.

245 10$aTaking flight with Captain Mama =$bDespegando con Capitán Mamá /$cby [por] Graciela Tiscareño-Sato ; illustrated by [ilustrado por] Linda Lens.

246 30$aDespegando con Capitán Mamá

250 \\$aFirst edition.

264 \1$aHayward, CA :$bGracefully Global Group, LLC.,$c2022.

300 \\$a1 volume (unpaged) :$bcolor illustrations ;$c22 cm.

336 \\$atext$btxt$2rdacontent

336 \\$astill image$bsti$2rdacontent

337 \\$aunmediated$bn$2rdamedia

338 \\$avolume$bnc$2rdacarrier

385 \\$nage$aChildren$2lcdgt

490 1\$aCaptain Mama book 3

500 \\$a”Includes bilingual aviation glossary and educational resources = Incluye glosario de aviación bilingüe y recursos educativos” -- title page verso.

500 \\$a”Includes an origami airplane activity created by the author’s son who inspired this book series as a preschooler = Incluye una actividad de avión de origami creada por el hijo del autor que inspiró esta serie de libros cuando era niño en edad preescolar” -- adapted from title page verso.

520 \\$a"In the third book in the bilingual series, Marco and his classmates take flight on the KC-135 refueling tanker where Mama works. They see Captain Mama and her aircrew in action refueling some of the coolest jets in the Air Force, and witness what happens when an emergency arises in flight = En el tercer libro de la serie bilingüe, Marco y sus compañeros de clase toman vuelo en el camión cisterna de reabastecimiento de combustible KC-135 donde trabaja Mamá. Ven a la capitana Mama y su tripulación en acción reabasteciendo de combustible algunos de los jets más geniales de la Fuerza Aérea, y son testigos de lo que sucede cuando surge una emergencia en vuelo." -- Provided by publisher.

521 2\$a4-5.$bGracefully Global Group.

546 \\$aParallel text in English and Spanish = Texto paralelo en inglés y español.

610 \0$aUnited States.$bAir Force$vJuvenile fiction.

610 \7$aEstados Unidos$bAir Force$vLibros infantiles.$2embne

650 \0$aWomen air pilots$zUnited States$vJuvenile fiction.

650 \0$aHispanic American women$zUnited States$vJuvenile fiction.

650 \0$aMothers and sons$vJuvenile fiction.

650 \0$aSchool field trips$vJuvenile fiction.

650 \1$aSpanish language materials$xBilingual.

650 \7$aEjército del aire$zEstados Unidos$vLibros infantiles.$2embne

650 \7$aAviadoras$zEstados Unidos$zEstados$vLibros infantiles.$2embne

650 \7$aMujeres hispanoestadounidenses$zEstados Unidos$vNovela juvenil.$2qlsp

650 \7$aMadre e hijo$vNovela juvenil.$2qlsp

650 \7$aExcursiones escolares$vNovela juvenil.$2qlsp

650 \7$aMateriales en español, Bilingües.$2qlsp

651 \0$aUnited States$vJuvenile fiction.

651 \7$aEstados Unidos$vNovela juvenil.$2qlsp

655 \7$aPicture books.$2lcgft

655 \7$aInformational works.$2lcgft

655 \7$aLibros ilustrados.$2tgfbne

655 \7$aNovelas infantiles.$2tgfbne

655 \7$aObras de información.$2tgfbne

700 1\$aLens, Linda,$eillustrator.

700 1\$aGranados, Anabel,$etranslator.

800 1\$aTiscareño-Sato, Graciela.$tCaptain Mama ;$v03.

Sample Record 4

The following record is a bib that uses Spanish cataloging language (040 $bspa$erda.) You will also see 040 $bspa$eisbd. Use isbd records as a last resort and then just copy the useful information into an original record.

Note this item is NOT a translation (041).

English subject headings and genres added by cataloger.


Check with your systems admin before using this type of record.

LDR 00965cam a2200301Mi 4500

001 1976583

003 SAGE

005 20180323220936.0

008 150309s2015\\\\mx\a\\\\\\\\\\000\e\spa\d

020 \\$a9786071135445

020 \\$a6071135443

035 \\$a(OCoLC)970527249

040 \\$aI8M$bspa$erda$cI8M$dOCLCQ$dHEPNR

049 \\$aHEPN

050 \4$aSF426.2$b.P47 2014

100 1\$aPérez-Reverte, Arturo,$eautor.

245 10$aPerros e hijos de perra /$cArturo Pérez-Reverte ; ilustrado por Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau.

250 \\$aPrimera edición.

264 \1$aMéxico :$bSantillana ediciones generales,$c2015.

300 \\$a156 páginas :$bilustraciones ;$c20 cm

336 \\$atexto$btxt$2rdacontent/spa

336 \\$aimagen$bsti$2rdacontent/spa

337 \\$asin mediación$bn$2rdamedia/spa

338 \\$avolumen$bnc$2rdacarrier/spa

546 \\$aTexto en español.

520 \\$a”«He tenido cinco perros. No hay compañía más silenciosa y grata. No hay lealtad tan conmovedora como la de sus ojos atentos, sus lengüetazos y su trufa próxima y húmeda. Nada tan asombroso como la extrema perspicacia de un perro inteligente. No existe mejor alivio para la melancolía y la soledad que su compañía fiel, la seguridad de que moriría por ti, sacrificándose por una caricia o una palabra.» Perros de presa adiestrados por gente sin escrúpulos, un chucho mejicano tuerto y digno, el fila brasileño que no era un asesino, Jemmy y Boxer, que cruzaron el Valle de la Muerte con la Brigada Ligera, el perro flaco y bastardo de la batalla de Rocroi, o Sherlock, el teckel de pelo fuerte y sólidos silencios, son algunos de los protagonistas en los artículos escritos por Arturo Pérez-Reverte entre 1993 y 2014 que se recogen en esta antología, ilustrada por el pintor Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau.” -- Goodreads.

650 \0$aHuman-animal relationships.

650 \0$aDogs$xBehavior.

650 \0$aDogs$vAnecdotes.

650 \7$aRelaciones hombre animal.$2embne

650 \7$aPerros$xConducta.$2embne

650 \7$aPerros$vAnécdotas.$2embne   

655 \7$aEssays.$2lcgft   

655 \7$aEnsayos.$2tgfbne

655 \7$aNarraciones no ficticias.$2tgfbne

700 1\$aFerrer-Dalmau, Augusto,$eilustrador.