Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL) International Book Fair
Scroll down for FIL tips for library attendees.
The American Library Association (ALA) and the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) have been offering the ALA-FIL Free Pass Program to librarians and library staff that are committed to providing Spanish collections for their communities. It provides lodging and covers the fee to enter the fair as well as providing some money toward the airfare. Many librarians in Oregon have taken advantage of this opportunity and are eager to support others who want to participate in this unique event.
The Guadalajara International Book Fair offers not only the opportunity to obtain Spanish materials that would never come to the U.S. market but also provides the powerful enrichment of networking with other librarians from all over U.S. In addition, attendees have the opportunity to interact with authors, publishers, and vendors, just to mention some of the professionals who participate in the book fair.
Libros for Oregon (LfO) supports Spanish-language collection development in Oregon public libraries by making the resources of the Guadalajara Book Fair more accessible through cooperative book-buying. LfO particularly emphasizes supporting Oregon’s small and rural public libraries. LfO sends library staff to the FIL so they can bring to their community books and resources that are culturally relevant and of high quality.
For more information on the process, please watch this presentation.
Feria International del Libro (FIL) Tips for Library Attendees
FIL Tips - contributed to by participants of Libros for Oregon.
Members of REFORMA Oregon that have participated in FIL have shared tips and tricks on how to navigate FIL. The National REFORMA provides a webinar for first attendees prior to the fair itself. Also, members of the National REFORMA post relevant and valuable information on REFORMA’s Facebook page. Two other great sources of information are the FIL website and the information that participants receive from FIL after their registration.