Spanish Language Collection Development Resources - scroll down for additional resources
Building a Spanish collection requires starting with a collection policy that is based on the mission and goals of the institution. The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) provides tools to guide the creation and implementation of a collection policy. Their Guidelines for Library Services to Spanish-Speaking Library Users were developed as “a basic beginner's manual intended for a hypothetical librarian serving as an administrator of a medium-to-small institution having become aware of the needs of Spanish-speaking communities within its service area.”
REFORMA Oregon Collection Development: A variety of resources to help in Spanish language collection development. Includes links to professional development and trainings, plus info on a few materials vendors and booksellers.
OLA’s EDI Anti-Racism Toolkit This toolkit compiled by the Oregon Library Association’s Anti-Racism Committee includes a section on collection development.
Check out Libros for Oregon’s Booklists & Vendors page!
Library and library system collection policy and goals
Add new materials throughout the year
Display new materials
Weed the collection
Host as many as possible of the formats that are published
Know the collection and its gaps
Know the circulation statistics
Mail Delivery Day!
Additional resources you might find helpful in building and evaluating a strong Spanish-language collection.
Why Buy Spanish Books? by Albert Milo, Director of Fullerton Public Library.
Evaluating a Children's Book for Bias – a one-page checklist from Fostering Readers. Fostering Readers helps programmers plan fun, research-based literacy activities for children in grades K-3. Much of their curricula and resources are bilingual in English and Spanish.
5 Tips for Building and Maintaining a Great Collection of Reading Materials These tips are intended to aid afterschool staff in selecting and maintaining a collection of reading material to use in programming with children and families. This list of resources is not exhaustive; when in doubt, talk to your local librarian. They would love to help you!
Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Doors Professor Rudine Sims Bishop explains her diverse-collections metaphor in a 1.5-minute video.
The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child's Bookshelf In this 12-minute TEDx Talk, award-winning author Grace Lin discusses how a child's access to diverse books sets the path for their own self-worth as well as how they see others.
How to Conduct a Diversity Audit A short 2020 ALSC blog post by Chelsey Ross of Alameda County Library.
Finding the BEST BOOKS! FIL 2019
Considering a Career as a Library Professional?
Bringing bilingual and Spanish materials into the library starts with motivated and dedicated library staff.
Library Science provides resources for both online and in-person MLIS degrees, as well as other library-oriented job pathways. Explore the different educational opportunities for a variety of library careers in Oregon!