LIBRARY APPLICATION Form cannot be saved. Please have all information available.Please print or save this screen for your records before submission. Library name: * Is the library part of a system or cooperative? Yes No Type of library (public, school, academic, etc.): Materials shipping address: * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Name of contact librarian/library staff * who will oversee project & receive LfO emails: Phone number: * (###) ### #### Contact person’s email: * Second contact: must be a principal or district administrator * Second contact person's email: * Second contact person's phone: * (###) ### #### LIBRARY INFORMATION In what region of Oregon is your library? * Please select one: Central Oregon (Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Jefferson, Deschutes, and Crook) Eastern Oregon (Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker, Grant, Harney, and Malheur Southern Oregon (Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, and Lake) The Coast/Northwest (Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Lincoln, Yamhill, and Polk) Willamette Valley (Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion, Benton, Linn, and Lane) STATISTICS NOTE Thank you for supplying the most accurate information you are able to, which will help us assess the impact of participation in the program over time. However, it’s fine to submit ballpark numbers if that’s what you have. What is the percentage of Spanish speakers living in your service area? * What is the percentage of physical Spanish language materials in your collection? * COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMPONENT Every library selected to participate in the Libros for Oregon program will be required to outline three community engagement (outreach) strategies to: Engage Spanish speakers with your library and connect your Spanish collection, including your new LfO materials, with your Latinx/a/o and Spanish-speaking populations. By June 15, 2025, participating libraries will also be required to submit a short survey. Please initial here to acknowledge and agree to this requirement: * Please list ideas for three community engagement strategies: Please briefly describe three community engagement strategies, which would promote FIL materials to your Latino/Spanish-speaking population, increase usage of Spanish materials, and engage Spanish speakers with your library. You may list existing programs or ideas for new ones. If selected, you may update or change these plans as needed. (Selected applicants will prepare a more detailed outline.) Tip: Many community engagement (outreach) ideas and examples are shared on the LfO website: You are welcome to copy or modify one of these ideas if it would be a good fit for your community. Brief description of community engagement strategies. (You may decide to change activities/programming later.) 1: * 2: * 3: * I understand that if I am selected I will need to provide a more detailed description of my community engagement strategies by June 30, 2024. Please initial here to confirm and agree to this requirement * I ALSO understand that if I am selected I will NEED to complete and submit a brief survey once all activities/programs are completed. This is due by June 15, 2025. Please initial here to confirm and agree to this requirement * BUDGET TRAVEL BUDGET * The libraries selected to participate in Libros for Oregon will each contribute $300 towards the travel expenses of the library representatives selected to attend the FIL on behalf of the consortium. Please initial here to acknowledge and agree to this $300 requirement: MATERIALS BUDGET Each participating library will receive $1,600-$2,400 in materials thanks to an LSTA grant from the State Library of Oregon. Successful applicants will be asked to fill out a more detailed Purchase Authorization Form to indicate their selection preferences. Once selected, successful applicants will be asked to fill out a more detailed Purchase Authorization Form to indicate their budget and selection preferences. TRAVELERS Typically, 2-3 staff from the current year’s participating libraries will be selected to attend the FIL on behalf of the consortium. Our mentorship model requires that at least one of LfO’s Travelers must have attended on behalf of LfO in a previous year, and at least one of them must be a new LfO participant. In addition, we request that the Travelers serve as Traveler representatives on the LfO committee during their year of participation. This entails keeping up with meeting minutes and attending meetings whenever possible, especially those in late summer and fall before the Book Fair. Travelers will not have committee duties other than meeting attendance; the goal is to help them become informed and prepared, and to gain from their perspective both before and after the Fair. SELECTING THE “TRAVELERS” (LIBRARY REPRESENTATIVES AT THE FIL) We need to know if applicant libraries have the interest and ability to send a staff member as one of the LfO Travelers. Your library may still participate in LfO without proposing a Traveler from your library. For those who do propose a Traveler, expressing interest here does not guarantee your staff member will be selected to attend. (See above explanation of our mentorship model.) Does your library have the interest and ability to commit a staff person (if selected) to be one of the Libros for Oregon Travelers (representatives) to the FIL this November? This is not required, see above. If NO, then please complete the Signatures portion at the bottom, and your application is done. Yes No TRAVELERS APPLICATION Name of proposed Traveler First Name Last Name Job title Speaks Spanish? It is NOT required that the representative speak Spanish. However, it DOES make overall navigation and selection easier. Yes No If Yes, please select their approximate level of Spanish ability. Native Fluent Proficient Intermediate Beginning Has been to the FIL on behalf of Libros for Oregon before? Yes No If yes, what year(s)? Has attended the FIL on behalf of any library before? Yes No If yes, what year(s)? Will be an individual ALA member by June 15? REQUIRED Yes No Will have a valid passport by June 15? REQUIRED Yes No Will apply for the ALA-FIL Free Passport program by June 15? RECOMMENDED Yes No Can book a flight by July 15? RECOMMENDED Yes No Is able and willing to attend the FIL two years in a row, and serve as a mentor to new attendees? This is not required of every applicant; it simply helps us plan. Yes No Proposed Traveler Signature (if any) Your authorized signature below confirms that your library agrees to cover unforeseen expenses for an LfO traveler from your library if selected. First Name Last Name Date MM DD YYYY Traveler Extra Funding Agreement (if any) Although we project that the funds collected from participating libraries ($300 each) plus the ALA Free Pass should prove sufficient to cover all travel costs, if they prove insufficient, each participant’s library or institution will need to arrange with them how to cover any extra funds required. Your authorized signature below confirms that your employer agrees to cover unforeseen expenses for an LfO traveler from your library or institution if selected. First Name Last Name Date MM DD YYYY SIGNATURES Applicants and Supervisors sign here Applicant or Contact Name: * First Name Last Name * Library Director/Supervisor/Principal: * First Name Last Name Title * Date MM DD YYYY Thank you! Your application has been submitted and we will be in touch with you soon.