Libros for Oregon (LfO) is a project that aims to help libraries connect with excellent Spanish language library materials and make purchasing and cataloging accessible for all libraries.



Hannah Bostrom: What is Libros For Oregon


Libros for Oregon (LfO) initially started in 2015 as a project funded by an LSTA grant awarded to REFORMA Oregon, a division of the Oregon Library Association.

For close to a decade, Libros for Oregon has been an ongoing project and active REFORMA Oregon committee, committed to enhancing access to high-quality, culturally relevant collections for Spanish-speaking Oregonians, especially in small and rural libraries by:

  • Making the resources of the Guadalajara Book Fair (FIL) more accessible through cooperative book-buying

  • Aiding participating libraries in the development and implementation of community engagement strategies for connecting with their Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities.

Because of rising costs, we are pausing our cooperative buying trip for 2025 and focusing on connecting libraries with the best Spanish-language materials to purchase individually and supporting libraries with cataloging resources. Our goal of connecting libraries to excellent resources remains!

We invite you to explore our website or contact us to learn more about how Libros for Oregon strives to improve access for Spanish-speaking Oregonians statewide to high-quality, culturally relevant collections.



Currently, LfO is a committee of REFORMA Oregon Round Table, with the support of the Oregon Library Association (OLA). 

The committee is headed by a chair or co-chairs, and the membership includes library staff from around the state with expertise in public libraries, school libraries, academic libraries, cataloging, community engagement (outreach), service to Spanish speakers and Latinx communities, and more.



Amanda Graham

Hannah Bostrom

Deborah Gitlitz